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Schedule, Challenges, Activities

Bardic Circle and Ceilidh


Challenges and Activities


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Bardic Circle and Ceilidh

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2015 Schedule

The site opens at 5pm on Friday, June 12, and closes at 3pm Sunday, June 14.

We'll have a challenge during the ceilidh Friday night and one Sunday morning too, along with the usual classes, games, and challenges on Saturday. And of course, plenty of food throughout! We'll fill in the specific challenges (which will include some you'll want to prepare for in advance) shortly.

Friday, June 12

No food is provided Friday night. Oh, okay, we'll have a snack ready for you.


Troll opens; you may arrive as early as noon, but you might be put to work!



Saturday, June 13

Breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner provided.

Drive-by bardic activities throughout the day.


Troll reopens, Breakfast




Challenges / Activities


Lunch Bar Opens




Challenges / Activities




Afternoon Tea served


Dinner/Challenges / Activities


Contra Dance


Bardic Circle
Musicians' Jam Session
(yep, there will be two separate fires!)

Sunday, June 14

Breakfast and lunch provided


Breakfast, post mortem, and a surprise challenge or two


Site closes

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Challenges and Activities

Sew your linens and start your grinning, it's Roundhouse Smile Time!

Friday night's ever-popular  Ceilidh and Impromptu Challenge. Between sets of the Jolly Minstrels, you will draw the title of a book from the hat and must provide a compelling opening paragraph. 

The Bardic Scavenger Hunt. It's baaaa-aack! Form up a team and spend some time communing with nature and figuring out clues that will lead you to the inspiration for a group composed song or story.

Build a Bard. Create a puppet buddy from available materials (donations of just about anything for inspirational fodder welcome) - Life Size greatly encouraged. Then find a like-minded sawdust brain and compose a tale.

 The Great Bardic Bungee Bash. Tubes of stretchy material of various lengths will be available. Grab a partner, grab several friends and see how many ways you can maintain contact while telling a group story, song or dance.

Ladies Choice. Cherish the ladies ... cater their whims .... Three ladies chosen at random from the group will choose the mode, medium and mood of a piece for each participant.

I'm Your Puppet. Ever wished for an inanimate buddy to speak for you? Had the urge for someone else to put words in your mouth? Here's your chance. Find a partner, or several friends, and create a "living puppet theater."

 A Picture Creates 1,000 Words. Once again we offer that favorite activity to young and old alike. Draw a picture during the day - folk participating will perform it during supper.

Contra Dance. From 7 to 9PM on Saturday, we'll play with the country descendant of the court dances we all love at SCA events. Led by professional caller/fiddler Kenrick Harper. Musicians, it will be an open band. Bring you musical skills to provide music for dancers. This is open to anyone who would like to dance. All dances taught, no partner needed. Location is on the driveway on gravel. Wear good shoes.

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